For us to customize the app for your club, and to set up your access to the admin panel, here are a few items that we need.
- What is your legal club name as recognized by the university?
- Who is the contact person for your club, responsible for the app subscription?
- If you have one, please provide us with your club logo
- Will display in the header at the top of the home page in the app
- Ideally square or round in shape. Logo image file should be square (width same as height) and tightly cropped.
- Vector image or bitmap no larger than 2048px wide/high
- (If you don’t have a club logo right now, don’t worry. You can still get started and add your club logo later.)
- Feel free to make suggestions for in-app colors or refer us to your university’s brand guidelines page
- Headline color
- Accent color (buttons, etc.)
- Gradient endpoints for boxes around elements (e.g., #FFFFFF to #EEEFEF)
- Who will be the primary admin in the admin panel
- This person can create & manage other admin accts
- Can be the same as the club contact person
- Need: first name, last name, address, phone, email address, and an initial password (that you will change after logging in)
Here are some other things to think about while we are working on building your app.
- What will you put on your club’s About page in the app?
- What will you put on your club’s Our Faith page in the app?
- What will you put on your club’s Get to Know Us page in the app?
- (all of these pages can have a header photo, or other photos)
- Do you have some photos that you would like to use for the buttons that lead to the About page, Our Faith page, and Get to know us page, and Connect with Us page?
- Do you have a Google Form that we can embed in the Connect with us page?
- What podcast libraries do you have that you would like to embed for the students?
- Can be audio or video
- Hosted on YouTube, Soundcloud,, or Podcast Generator
- Are any of these libraries something that you could share with all the other clubs?
- Each library has a unique name
- Each library can have a cover photo
- Do you have some podcasts that are particularly beneficial to students that you could share with all the clubs on the app? (like gospel podcasts, basic life practices, special topics, etc.)
If you have not already signed up, here is info on pricing and how to get started.